Guard Your Self-Talk ~ Your Mind is Listening!

Guard Your Self Talk ~ Your Mind is Listening!

Guard Your Self-Talk ~ Your Mind is Listening!

Guard Your Self-Talk ~ Your Mind is Listening!
Guard Your Self-Talk ~ Your Mind is Listening!

“Your mind is always eavesdropping on your self-talk.” ~ Jim Kwik

Due to the fact that over 90 percent of our behavior and habits are governed by our subconscious mind, it is immensely important that we guard the gates of our subconscious in order to carefully manage what enters in influences our beliefs. Our words and thoughts are immensely powerful in dictating our behavior, and subsequently outlining the path to our destiny.

“Your mind is like a supercomputer and your self-talk is the software you will run!” ~ Unknown

I tell my clients that our minds are the genesis of our destinies and our thoughts are the seeds of our future circumstances. If we fail to properly manage our self-talk, we will literally talk ourselves into a future filled with failure and frustration. What we say about our marriages, parenting, finances, careers and more all impacts how we perform.

Our beliefs dictate our behavior because no one consistently does what they believe will not work, so your beliefs literally set the parameters that determine the effort and energy you invest in any situation, and your effort will have a massive impact on the results you get. And, those results will serve to reinforce the original belief — leading to a continued cycle. These dynamics can be applied in the negative and positive.

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Power of Paradigms ~ Guard Your Self-Talk ~ Your Mind is Listening!
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If you don’t believe that you can save your marriage, your effort and energy will reflect that and it will be witnessed in the result — ultimately resulting in the substantiation of the original belief that your marriage is beyond saving — culminating in a steady decline in the effort to work on your relationship with your mate. If you believe that there is some force stopping you from achieving wealth — that poverty is your lot in life, it will be reflected in your behavior, energy, and actions — resulting in poor results that reinforce the initial belief — resulting in you living in a constant state of lack.

Conversely, if you believe that you can save your marriage, it will be represented in the amount of effort and action you invest in working on it. The massive action and effort that you invest in saving your marriage will be transformed into corresponding results that reinforce the belief. The reinforced belief will cause you to work even harder building forward momentum as you move toward your goal of a stronger more fulfilling relationship with your spouse. This same principle applies to any area of life.

With all of this being understood, you can easily see why your self-talk is so powerful. Life is about energy and rhythm and when your self-talk is not in alignment with your desires, you consistently disrupt the natural rhythmic expression of your life. When you expel all of the limiting beliefs that are holding you captive, you will find that your rhythm and energy becomes more steady. ~ Rick Wallace, Ph.D., Psy.D.

Never Underestimate the Physicality of Your Thoughts

Never Underestimate the Physicality of Your Thoughts

Never Underestimate the Physicality of Your Thoughts


Never Underestimate the Physicality of Your Thoughts

While most people are at least aware of the fact that their thoughts have the power to impact their lives, very few are aware to what extent. I often tell my clients at The Visionetics Institute that their thoughts have a physicality so powerful that they can move the universe.

Thoughts are so much more than mental ideas, they are the seeds of your destiny. Your current reality is the result of past thoughts that have simply manifested themselves in the third-dimension. So it is important to understand that your reality does not begin with what you can see an touch but with what you think. In fact, what you see and touch is the end-result, not the beginning.

Never underestimate the physicality of your thoughts. If you want to change your current reality, you have to change your thoughts and the limiting beliefs that are behind them. Everything in this universe is one form of energy or another. This is not a philosophical idea, it is physics. Everything in this universe is made of atoms and atoms are energy. What we know and understand about energy is the fact that like attracts like. So if you are emitting negative energy you will attract negativity. If you are emitting positive energy, you will attract to yourself positive things. The most consistent you become with your emittance of energy, the more consistent and stable your life will be.

Most people spend most of their time focusing on what they don’t want, never realizing that they are actually attracting that very reality to themselves. The better you become at establishing a clear vision and image of what you want, the more your thoughts will align themselves with your desires — producing the desired result.

Physicists have proven that human thoughts move matter — meaning your thoughts have the ability to shift the world around you in some rather extraordinary ways. So, what are you thinking right now? ~ Rick Wallace, Ph.D., Psy.D.

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