Meeting Your Essential Needs Drives Your Behavior!

Meeting Your Essential Needs Drives Your Behavior!

Meeting Your Essential Needs Drives Your Behavior!

Something that I share with my clients at The Visionetics Institute is that there is no such thing as insignificant or inconsequential moments. We have a tendency to dismiss this we don’t understand or can’t find relevance in, but dismissing or ignoring something does not eliminate its meaning or impact.
All human behavior is need-driven, even when we attributed it to desire. If you want to understand and manage your behavior, you must first develop a lucid perspicacity of what drives that behavior — your fundamental needs. Every person on this planet is driven by certain universal and fundamental needs. These fundamental needs are “certainty,” uncertainty (which actually combats the boredom and feeling of unfulfillment associated with absolute certainty), significance, and connectivity (which includes the feeling of being loved and respected by others).

There are multitudinous ways that people meet these specific needs, with some being good and others being bad for everyone involved. For instance, some people achieve certainty in life through their sense of identity. Because their self-image is such that they believe in themselves, they have developed an understanding that they have the capacity to overcome any challenges that they may face. Others find certainty in their faith in a higher power, believing that their relationship with the higher power provides the resourcefulness necessary to overcome the obstacles they face.
Conversely, there are those who choose to use deception and cheating to provide their sense of certainty. They seek unfair advantages that tend to create weighted situations where things fall in their favor. Of course, there are always negative consequences to this type of behavior but rarely do these individuals make the connections.

Critical Mass ~ Meeting Your Essential Needs Drives Your Behavior!
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Fortunately, there are two principles that also serve as character needs — not part of the essential needs cluster, but needs that help guide behavior to produce a more positive lifestyle. Basically, the way that I ensure that the behaviors I exhibit in order to me my essential needs are acceptable is by using the fifth and sixth needs as a collective barometer. I ask myself if the behavior that I have exhibited is leading to personal growth — is it expanding my capacity and reach to help empower, inspire and encourage others?

Next, I take an introspective examination of my

Critical Mass ~ Meeting Your Essential Needs Drives Your Behavior!
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behavior to determine if it is serving needs outsides of myself. Is my behavior facilitating my “work” and not solely meeting my own fundamental needs. This means that when you are working to live life at the level of your design, you are living to impact the world around you in a positive way that sees people grow as well as become inspired and empowered.

If your behavior is not producing personal growth and you are not expanding in the area of external contribution, you are not living life at the level of your design. You are not fulfilling your purpose. You may be meeting those essential needs, but you are doing it using a modality that does not possess any intrinsic value. How you meet your fundamental needs is immensely important to the process of optimizing your impact on those in your periphery, which is the key to personal fulfillment and happiness! ~ Rick Wallace, Ph.D., Psy.D.


Redefining Your Self Concept & Centering In on Your Destiny

Read The Internal Book You've Written with Your Life

Redefining Your Self Concept & Centering In on Your Destiny

Redefining Your Self Concept & Centering In on Your Destiny

Redefining Your Self Concept & Centering In on Your Destiny

Redefining Your Self Concept & Centering In on Your Destiny will open an entirely new world up for you. When you learn how to control your thoughts, there is absolutely nothing in this world that you cannot achieve. Most people walk around their entire life living a life that has been defined by someone else’s opinion of them.

Often, when I work with certain clients at The Visionetics Institute, I literally have to help them redefine their self-concept — how they view themselves in relationship to the world around them. Far too many people live within the confines of boxes that others have placed them in — often responding to names, titles, monikers, and associations that are not conducive to achieving massive success.

If you are a person who consistently finds yourself wanted more but struggling to get past the limited and low expectations that consistently govern your life, then you need to redefine your self-concept, which will completely shift the manner in which you view the world around you.

Your mind is infinitely powerful in what it is able to create, but it is neutral in that capacity until you set the direction you will travel with the beliefs and expectations that you have for your life. If you want something more, if you want something different, then you are going to have to change how you see yourself, which will immediately impact what you think about yourself and the world around you. When effectively reconstruct your self-concept in a manner that explores your power to effectively impact and change the world around you, you will learn that you are never stuck in any given situation. You have the power within you to change it, no matter what it is.

Maybe you are a person that believes that your background is what is holding you back from achieving your dreams and pursuing your passions. You have bought into the idea that because you come from a state of poverty, or you never knew your father or mother, or you struggled with your grades in school that you are trapped in a life of mediocrity and substandard living. But, you could not be further from the truth.

Where you come from does not determine where you are going, you do that. The only thing that your origin has to do with your destiny is that it tells you how far you have to go in order to get there. Where you start in life simply establishes how far you have to go to get where it is you want to go.

When you set your mind that you are going somewhere and know within yourself that it is possible. That commitment, that personal decision to go all-in will literally move the universe to bend to your will. The universe will literally conspire on your behalf to bring you the things that you demand of it no matter how outrageous it may seem to others.

You are truly the author of your destiny and the master of your fate! ~ Rick Wallace, Ph.D., Psy.D.

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